Project Title: Development of Sustainable System for Segregated Waste Collection & Management.



• The function of city solid waste management system is proper disposal of solid waste; thus, it reduces the significant impact of it on mankind life although with environmental effects.
• While disposal of solid waste the important factor is proper segregation of waste at the time of collection.
The segregation should be done by separating waste in basically two categories dry waste and wet waste.
• It will help for easy management of waste with proper scientific method of disposal for each category waste.
• The way we provide the system for disposal of solid waste is define the how much it will be effective in proper disposal of waste in urbanization.
• The objective of this project is to develop a sustainable system for segregated waste collection & management to improve existing waste management system and increasing contribution for making clean & green city.

Submitted by

Priyanka Naik
Shaikh Omer Ahmed
Syed Shah Amanuddin
Vaibhav Waghmare
Mohini Rodi

Under the guidance of :

Prof. P. D. Dabhade
Department of Civil Engineering,
Chh. Shahu College of Engineering, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad).

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